Age 35-50 ◆ Focus on Peer Learning
Who are Now Gens?
They are business leaders that have in common a responsibility in their family businesses as a manager, director, shareholder or at family council level. They are often accountable but may not be fully in power yet. Just as importantly, they strive to be role models and servant leaders, both for their family and their business.
0 Now Gens
- Sharing
- Responsibility
- Confidentiality
- Peer learning
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Catherine Noël
President Now Gen Committee
For the leaders of today
By Now Generation, for Now Generation !
Our Mission
To offer the Now Gens a trusted and intimate environment to focus on their personal growth, while nurturing their families and businesses, where they can:
- Exchange and grow with their peers through small and more intimate events.
- Learn through direct engagement and sharing with other Now Gens
- Receive peer feedback and become the best version of themselves
- Focus on themselves while also growing with their family through knowledge gained from profound and intimate stories
- Discover new insights from concrete business cases

Now Gen International
The Now Gen program of the global network brings together business leaders from more than 60 countries
As a member of the Now Gen, you also automatically benefit from an FBN International Now Gen Community that organizes international summits, entrepreneurship days and an incredible international network.
Now Gen Community

President Now Gen Community