Our Circles


“ Peer learning opportunities in a safe space ”

In line with the segmentation FBN International has developed overtime FBN Belgium has different Circles that bring together the roles in a family business that are key to our mission statement: share best practices and the knowledge and insights that promotes family cohesion and responsible ownership to help our members to develop the family business across generations.

These Circles meet once a year and commit to sharing their learnings during a plenary session when appropriate.

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Photos in action JL Cartier-3
Jean-Louis de Cartier

President Board Chair Circle

Logo CEO Circle

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Vincent Bia

President CEO Circle

Logo Family Council

Photo rond JM S-2
Jean-Marie Solvay

President Family Council Circle

Logo Family Office

wim Hendrix
Wim Hendrix

President Family Office Circle

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Photo rond SLV-1
Sophie Lammerant Velge

President Impact Circle


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Chair: Jean-Louis de Cartier (G7 & Chair Brepols, G2 & Chair Cartamundi, G4 & past Chair Etex, G4 Aliaxis & Board Member FBN Belgium)

Open to: Board Chairs (family only) of our member Family Businesses

Mission: Promote and exchange good governance through peer learning during the circles sessions.

Frequency: Once a year

Invitation: By invitation only

Logo CEO CirclePhotos in action VB-1

Chair: Vincent Bia (G3 & CEO Bia Group & Board Member FBN Belgium)

Open to: CEOs (family only) of our member family businesses.

Mission: Peer learning exchanges on topics that are part of their daily preoccupation in managing the family business

Frequency: Once / twice a year

Invitation: By invitation only

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Family Charter (18) - Copie

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Chair: Jean-Marie Solvay (G6 Solvay, Chair Solvac, & Board Member FBN Belgium)

Open to: Family Council Chairs (family & non-family) of our members Family Businesses and when explicitly indicated to:

  • 2 additional members of the council
  • All

Mission: Promote and exchange good family governance practices through peer learning exchanges

Frequency: Once a year

Invitation: Open to all or by invitation only (depending on the topic)

Logo Family Officewim Hendrix

Chair: Wim Hendrix , G2 & CEO Homeport Family Services, Board Member FBN Belgium

Open to: An exhaustive list of 16 Single* Family Offices represented by:

  • their Family Executive Director
  • their Non-family Executive Directors are welcome at the official request of the family and preferably accompanied by a family member

*Multi-family offices are in principle excluded, but he circle can decide to make an exception

Mission: Exchanges on Family Office related best practices and learnings.

Frequency: Once a year

Invitation: By invitation only

Why II
AS FBN Polaris - 056-1

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   becomesLogo Impact Circle-1Photo rond SLV-1

Chair: Sophie Lammerant Velge, G4 Bekaert, Vice President FBN Belgium

Mission: Peer learning exchanges on sustainability, FBN Belgium is currently contemplating on which of the four drivers (see below) we will prioritize in this transformative journey. More information will be coming your way from us very soon.

Open to: All members

Frequency: Once a year

FBN International rebranded in 2024 Polaris into Impact

The evolution of Polaris to Impact is with the intention of mobilizing the power of the FBN global community to act, in cooperation, towards creating systemic change. The Impact Community will deliver on this intent by focusing its efforts on 4 Drivers of Change 

1. Business: The Impact Community will continue to surf on the Polaris wave to transform our family businesses into more sustainable enterprises.

2. Investing: The Impact Community aims to accelerate efforts in impact investing, fostering an open space for member families to engage in discussions and initiatives related to this field.

3. Philanthropy: The community is dedicated to providing a conducive environment for philanthropic activities. Multiple partnerships are being actively pursued to enhance their philanthropic impact.

4. Advocacy: Emphasizing the societal importance of family businesses, the Impact Community seeks to raise awareness and collaborate closely with organizations like EFB to advocate for the role of family businesses in society.

FBN Belgium is currently contemplating which aspects of this recent development aligns with their objectives and will organise events accordingly.

Some History: Polaris Movement was launched by FBN International in 2014, with a primary focus on business transformation, particularly in sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint of family businesses. Members across all regions took positive action on transforming their businesses into more sustainable enterprises, evidenced in the many success stories documented from across the globe. Family Business for Sustainable Development (FBSD), a platform they developed in partnership with the United Nations, delivered on an ambitious goal of getting scores of family businesses to begin reporting on sustainability indicators designed specifically for family firms. 

It is not too late to start to begin reporting on business sustainability: Read case studies here; take the pledge and begin reporting here